  In which I advise the public as to which Newgrounds Portal Flash they should view, and provide handy-dandy links. Super Cool Movie.
I love the animation of this one; the author is extremely talented.

Very Interesting movie.
This movie has a great concept. It's shiggity shiggity cool.

Super Awesome CrazySexyCool Movie.
This movie's music is teh b0mb. And it rocks anyways.

Funny Creative Movie.
Great Premise.

Highly Super Movie.
Bruno Bozetto is the shiz. A must see.

Superbly Hilarious Movie.
Knox has to be one of the funniest guys I know. Hellariouso.

Super Super Movie.
This is a 19 meg .ZIP of Knox's four best Matrix parodies. He takes the audio out of clips, and puts his voice in over it.
This quote is from the time when Trinity takes Neo to see Morpheus for the first time:
Trinity: Morpheus, you have a friend!
Morpheus: A real friend?
Trinity: Yes, Morpheus, that's right, a real playtime-friend-...thingy.
Morpheus: A real playtime-friend-thingy... What's your name?
Neo: My name's Neo.
Morpheus: Not anymore it isn't. It's Robert now.

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