  In which I give a long, extensive treatise on why my opinions are far superior to yours, and therefore I am always correct, while you are not. Basically, if you can calculate some random ratios, write up some impossibly complex equations, and add some nonsense about 'space-time continuum', all the while writing with a condescending and omniscient tone, you may have the ability to write a book on science, which up to this point was reserved for people with the aforesaid skills and who also possessed some sort of 'degree' (which really only means they get some letters after their name; I can therefore conclude from this that all scientists are morons and I know more than any of them) which gave them some inane thing like 'credibility', 'experience', 'relevance' or even the absolutely useless 'knowledge'. I will now proceed to lay out some simple step-by-step instructions so you too can make trivial amounts of money from large, weighty tomes of knowledge with no practicality or use in our common, mundane, everyday lives.
1. Find another book of the sort you want to write, and take copious amounts of notes from it, allowing you to say absolutely nothing but fill several pages with text which, upon further inspection, repeats itself several times over.
2. Falsify a draft of your book dated several years before the text you copied from was published; upon releasing your book, sue the author of your book's inspiration.
3. Hire Johnnie Cochran.
4. Win your lawsuit in an entirely unethical manner, taking the entire sales of opponents book for your own; your book will fly off the shelves due to the media coverage that the trial should produce.
5. Retire to Monaco 
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