  In which I tell the idiotic President why he should not (or possibly should) support the draft. Instating the draft is a sure-fire way for George W. Bush not to get elected. Here I will go through it in logical steps:
1. The main problem John Kerry faces is getting people who support him to go out and vote.
2. The main Democratic supporters are college students, who often are apathetic about voting.
3. The one thing college students hate most of all is the draft- see the 60's.
4. In the 1960's, when a draft was instated, college students went out en masse to protest it, and got rid of the president who supported it.
5. Therefore, if the President were to re-instate the draft, he would incur the enmity of tens of thousands of college students, who would then vote when they normally wouldn't.
6. This wrath would cause them to vote for John Kerry, just to get the current President out of offices.

So, by all means, re-instate the draft, Mr. Bush. I think it's time to switch horsemen mid-Apocalypse. 
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