  In which I whine about not having the most excellent Gmail. Mon dieu... the things people offer on
"Hello, i'd like to offer my eternal soul for 1GB of email storage." (or a terabyte, as I've apparently heard...)
"Hi, I'll give you a kidney for a gmail account!"
"Well, I'll give you a lung!"
"I'm not using my heart! You can have it!"
"I'll take out a second... no, a third mortgage on my home!"
"I'll GIVE you my home!"
"I'll give you my computer, and I'll use gmail from the library!"
Note that these are not actual offers.

Actual offers, may be even odder:
Free 'reiki' treatment. What the hell is that?
Nothing. Ok...
Something hand-knitted Sounds cool, right? Right? RIGHT? RIGHT!!?!??
A tour of Rwanda Now that's cool.

I must admit, I am feeling the nerd envy myself. I've offered so far:
-To get a movie of mine into the Cannes film festival
-For the 'purchaser' to comission a piece of art for free from me (I got taken up on this, a little bit, and the user asked for a logo for their website. They haven't replied so far... *sob*)
-Flash MX
-A really cool Cirque du Soleil hat
-A favour

I'm crying on the inside.
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