  In which I feel awkward. For some reason, I always forget how to hold a normal conversation with Sayoko. And I'm clumsy when it comes to hugging. I don't know why.

In Drama, I performed a Harold, which is an infinitely complex improvisation structure. We made it pretty funny, but we really could have expanded more upon the universal theme which was our subject: 'happy'.

In AP World, we reviewed the chapter. It was rather dull.

In English, we talked about a method for analyzing poetry, which is rather dumb. And I got assigned to rename myself in a poem using two metaphors and two similes. I do believe homework causes face cancer. I feel my face swelling already.

In APES, I made my poster on 'how to save salmon'. And of course, I contemplated the futility of the class. I think I made another poster very similar to this one in second grade.

In French, my teacher freaked out because she thought that a .swf presentation wouldn't play on the laptop connected to the projector. She doesn't know much about Flash, because I published my presentation to a .exe as well. Oh lordy me.

In Chem, we had an electrolysis demo and worked on sig fig problems. Permanently engraved into my mind is an image of Hitler going, 'SIG FIG HEIL!'

In Trig, I got extra credit because I wrote my answer/work for a problem that everyone but me found incredibly difficult. I was bored for the rest of class. Oh, and someone wrote the answers to tonight's homework in my book, and we aren't required to show our work. Score one for not working.

I found out the group I'm going in for Homecoming. I would probably rather go with Sayoko alone, because I don't really like any of the people who are in it. And supposedly, they're my friends. Gah.

Well, I seriously need to:
a. Remember how to be charming and considerate around Sayoko, and
b. Focus on homework. I'm finding my mind wandering.
Oh, I'm comfortable enough with her. You could say that I get bowled over by her presence, because I like her so much, and forget how to talk. It's not that I don't feel like talking to her, its that I get nervous because I think she's amazing. And my mind kind of draws a blank. It's general awkward teenager-ness.
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