  In which I revive the blog with good old Romance. Ahem. I would like to request a bit of assistance from the more life-experienced members of the internet, or those who are oracular.
Homecoming dance, and how to ask Person A out without hurting Person B's feelings, or even if I should ask Person B out rather than Person A.
Person A is someone who I enjoy the company of greatly. I do not have any classes with her, but whenever we are together I feel something click, or some sort of chemistry. I enjoy her company greatly, and I think she is an amazing person.
Person B is someone who I like, but have trouble having fun with. I do have a class with her. I like her, but don't have as much fun with her as I do with Person A.

The Dilemma: Person B has been making many advances on me, and I can tell she likes me a lot and wants me to ask her to Homecoming. Person A is always incredibly excited to see me, but hasn't made any romantic advances. Now I have to ask one of them to the dance. If I ask Person A, I might really horribly hurt Person B's feelings, or come off as clueless to girl's feelings (I do want to remain friends with her), and I am not 100% sure that she would say yes (except for the fact that she is an incredibly nice person, and wouldn't want to hurt mine), or wouldn't have fun with me. I do know that if she does like me, we would have a great time at the dance.
If I ask Person B, I'll spend the entire dance thinking about Person A, and won't be able to have a good time. I may be able to ask Person A next year if it doesn't 'work out' between me and Person B.

Any thoughts?

Oh, and any good ideas on impressive/romantic ways to ask girls to homecoming, ideally not involving flowers (that everyone else has given their dates)?

I hope I removed any trace of angst from that. 
I thank you for your advice; however, I asked Sayoko (Person A), and I think that her reaction (amazement, excitement, and great happiness) justifies me asking her out.
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