  In which I ride on a wave of euphoria to write a blog post. This has been such a wonderful day. I asked Sayoko (Person A) before 1st period, and she was incredibly excited and said yes. I couldn't pay attention in class all day, so I spent today wandering around my mind and the school, in an ecstatic daze. Everyone calls it 'cute' that we're going together, something I find suspicious on their part as a cop-out on descriptive phrases of this newly blossomed relationship. Sayoko is brilliant, musical (she's a virtuoso at piano and viola), an excellent actress, beautiful, and an amazing dancer for the Northwest Ballet. I feel amazing.

In other news, I lost my cellphone, which really sucks.

But who cares? I going to Homecoming with the most amazing girl in the world!

Oh, and I found out that Person B really only liked me in sort of a 'Junior doting on Sophomore' way, and she was almost as excited as Sayoko that I had asked Sayoko out (they're friends).
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