  In which life rocks. Haha, today kicks ass. I mean, seriously. I talked to Sayoko before school, like the gentleman I am, but still forgot anything of substance to say. Alas. Still it was awesome.

Really funny improv sketches in Drama, but I didn't get to be in any of them. But still, it was awesome.

Took a really easy quiz on Sui, Tang and Song China in AP World, finished the quiz in twenty-five minutes, finished my homework (analyzing a document about footbinding, a disgusting practice) in ten, then I goofed off and talked about various subjects:
Techno music.
Streaming radio/getting music to play from my computer to my stereo.

We almost got assigned a paper over the weekend in English, but instead our teacher rapped for us and we ran out of time. It was hilarious, and quite a good trade-off. As if I'd prefer having a paper.

I had the best AP Environmental Science class EVER. Seriously. Instead of actually doing dumb shit like we usually do, we spent the entire class period talking about the debates. It was so bloody awesome. All but four people were in agreeance that Kerry beat bush, but not overwhemingly. Some good points:
Bush harped on the fact that Kerry sent 'mixed messages' to the troops and the Iraqi people. However, he consistently spoke of 'the enemy', how they 'attacked us', and indirectly spoke of his goal as being 'winning'. That's a problem. He sent mixed messages to Iraq, changing his focus from helping the Iraqi people to defeating an ambiguous 'enemy'.
Kerry was much more composed than Bush.
Bush seemed to run out of material towards the end.
Bush can say 'vociferously'.

In French, I didn't do shit except take a tiny quiz on verbs, and watch other people do presentations.

In Chemistry, we got bogged down in busywork and housekeeping, as usual, so I didn't really pay attention. Oh, and we set up our lab books for the lab on tuesday. Joy is mine, once again.

In Trig, math was done. Math was boring. But it was only fifty minutes.

Lucky me, I have only trig homework which I can finish in thirty minutes over the weekend. And I'm going to Cheesecake Factory tonight. Life is kickass.

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