  You know what sucks? Playing poker with eight people when only two of them know how. Therefore, the two people talk very loudly (over the country music that's playing full volume) to the five other people who don't know how to play, giving them useless advice and making obvious comments.

The game proceeds at a sickeningly slow pace, because nobody pays any attention to what's going on. If you try to tell people that you're calling/folding/checking/raising, you get ignored as the two semi-knowledgable, very arrogant people discuss betting between themselves. LOUDLY.

Two other people fold every hand, and maintain a very loud conversation about cooking. One of the other people despises you, and shoves things across the table at you to knock down your chips. The last two people are clueless, and either bet five times the usual bid, or fold, or don't pay any attention to the game.

It's enough to make you give all your chips to someone (because, of course, nobody wants to play for money), light a firecracker under the table, and walk off.

Yes, I carry firecrackers around in my pockets, in addition to lighters.

Oh, lovely. They're having a stomping contest upstairs!

The last few days have been full of parties, and kudos to all the Advanced Drama people who came. I'll probably be having another movie-pizza party over Winter break.

Damn English homework.
Woah, dude! That's hardcore! Poker sucks.
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