  I'm back, I guess. Hey. How's it going. Glad to hear it. I'm not updating once a day, just because I'm a lazy fuck. When it comes to duty, I guess.

I guess I'll give this site out to people in Advanced Drama, (which encompasses about 90% of my friends), so I can never lie. The truth can be out here, where I feel safe in writing it, and I can be completely honest with my relationships.

Teen Angst: I wish Sayoko would ask me to Tolo (equivilant to Sady Hawkins, if you're not a BHS-goer), but it's pretty obviously not going to happen. I am confused as to whether she just thinks I don't like her, or if she is just semi-nice to me, or what. I feel like anything I do might destroy any relationship we have, or could have. Audrey is being rather... well, she does seem to have a problem with me that she's expressing by voicing aloud the fact that I liked somebody else (Lucy) last year. It's a bit embarrassing (but of course, I've made a pact with myself never to be embarrassed again... see 'brutal honesty'), and I think it's revenge for occasionally snubbing her.

AD Class: We're doing Our Town in the spring, and we'll do it in theatre in the round. This should be interesting; I don't really like the plot of the play, but it's amazingly well-written. There's a bit of tension between the members of the cast over obligation to make the class serious. As much as I appreciate the pro-focus sentiments, it just goes against my nature to stress out about something as insignificant as how serious a high-school class is. The fact remains, however, that Advanced Drama is more than just a class; the quality of our productions is certainly something to worry about.

College: I'm looking at RISD, NYU, and various other schools that offer film production majors.

Film: I'm working on a project about Advanced Drama, but it doesn't seem to be working out. A, I can't get much motivation together to work on it, B, it severely lacks any sort of creative focus, and C, I'm starting to doubt that there's any point to it at all. I really need to get on the ball about filmmaking if I want to have any sort of portfolio to show for getting into all those nice film schools I'm looking at.

Music: I've got so much music on my HD right now; Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Van Halen, Jethro Tull, Guns N' Roses, Jimi Hendrix, AC/DC, Yes, Rush, Camel, Flogging Molly, The Pogues, The Doors, Modest Mouse, The Ramones, The Rolling Stones, and Rammstein.

I guess I'm just really laid-back, because I don't take offense or get stressed about much, except when people try to control me. Then I just ignore them, or tell them to fuck themselves, and go back to my life. There; there's my personal revelation for the decade.
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