  In which I feel awkward. For some reason, I always forget how to hold a normal conversation with Sayoko. And I'm clumsy when it comes to hugging. I don't know why.

In Drama, I performed a Harold, which is an infinitely complex improvisation structure. We made it pretty funny, but we really could have expanded more upon the universal theme which was our subject: 'happy'.

In AP World, we reviewed the chapter. It was rather dull.

In English, we talked about a method for analyzing poetry, which is rather dumb. And I got assigned to rename myself in a poem using two metaphors and two similes. I do believe homework causes face cancer. I feel my face swelling already.

In APES, I made my poster on 'how to save salmon'. And of course, I contemplated the futility of the class. I think I made another poster very similar to this one in second grade.

In French, my teacher freaked out because she thought that a .swf presentation wouldn't play on the laptop connected to the projector. She doesn't know much about Flash, because I published my presentation to a .exe as well. Oh lordy me.

In Chem, we had an electrolysis demo and worked on sig fig problems. Permanently engraved into my mind is an image of Hitler going, 'SIG FIG HEIL!'

In Trig, I got extra credit because I wrote my answer/work for a problem that everyone but me found incredibly difficult. I was bored for the rest of class. Oh, and someone wrote the answers to tonight's homework in my book, and we aren't required to show our work. Score one for not working.

I found out the group I'm going in for Homecoming. I would probably rather go with Sayoko alone, because I don't really like any of the people who are in it. And supposedly, they're my friends. Gah.

Well, I seriously need to:
a. Remember how to be charming and considerate around Sayoko, and
b. Focus on homework. I'm finding my mind wandering.
  In which life goes on. A few interesting things today.

In Drama, which was pretty fun, all in all, considering that I performed a pretty kickass improv structure, after talking with my 'mentor' about nothing in particular, I ran down from the top of our theatre, on top of the chairs, and on the second to last chair, I tripped. I tried to stop this, but my foot only caught on the last chair as well, knocking both over and landing me flat on the ground. I immediately stood up, and yelled, "I AM OKAY! NOBODY WORRY!", to which my teacher replied, "I think I might have to tell you to have a little less enthusiasm", which is rather ironic, because his most oft-repeated comment is for people to speak louder, and to be less self-concious.
They don't call me graceful for nothing, because I'm not, so they don't.

AP World was dull, and it took all of my willpower not to start drawing on the back of my paper. Mr. Best, who looks like Abe Lincoln, gets pissy when people do that. He's still cool though. I amused myself by imaging him in a stovepipe hat, and by going into a stupor.

In English, we talked about something. I imagine it involved House on Mango Street, the book we're reading. I finished the homework in class, because I could really care less. I got an in-class essay back, on which I got a %100. Hooray.

In AP Environmental Science, I took a quiz which (seriously) involved me writing down eight questions that would possibly help me to figure out why, just why the Marbled somethingorother is disappearing from the Pacific Coast. After that, I spent the rest of the period discussing with my partner the pointlessness of this class, and the absurdity that an AP class is quite possibly the easiest class I have ever taken.

In French, we did some stuff that was review and which I knew already. Just like every other day. But, that reminds me, I have to finish Actionscripting the presentation I made for it, because we're presenting it tomorrow.

In Chemistry, we learned about the wonders and joys of sick figs, and other rotten fruit. Oh wait, that'd be more interesting than what we actually learned about, which was sig figs, or significant figures. It's basically the amount of non-zero digits in a number, with a few exceptions. And it's incredibly time-consuming to do, because figuring out the number of sig figs required in the answer to an equation is rather difficult. Oh, and my teacher got pretty bipolar, which was amusing.

In Trig, I was furious with the teacher, because he refused to pass out the homework until we had about fifteen minutes left in the class. Instead, he droned on about the homework I finished yesterday, so I made designs on my calculator. I almost finished the worksheet anyways, because it was something I learned in eighth grade and could do in my sleep: linear combinations. Apparently they didn't tell me I was in Trigonometry and Beginning Algebra.

In a concession to narrative casualty and my own intrinsic shyness when it comes to girls, I've decided not to kiss Sayoko until Homecoming. It just doesn't make sense to do it now. Oh, and it also sucks, because I never really know when it is I'm going to see her in the halls. I've seen between almost every class except 1st and 2nd and 2nd and 3rd. I should probably go see her in 1st period, neh?
  In which I my day was just... mediocre. Well, I had a rather boring day. Just... well, I didn't particularly enjoy it, nothing of great note happened, and I only saw Sayoko once.

This has been rather dissapointing. I only see Sayoko once, maybe twice a day passing in halls. This is thanks to the infinite wisdom of the school, who switched which lunch I (and other 5th period language classes) had, moving me out of a great group of friends I ate lunch with. And of course, I was the only one in my group whose lunch got switched.

But back to Sayoko. I know we like each other, but our relationship at this point consists of hugging and talking for thirty seconds a day. There's not really any way we can spend more time together, because she has about a billion extracurricular activities a day. I'm really looking forward to Homecoming. Oh, and next semester, because Sayoko joins our Advanced Drama class then.

In other news, I got assigned an outside reading project today, consisting of:
Reading 'a 300+ page work of fiction of literary merit' (I've chose Clockwork Orange or Slaughterhouse Five).
Writing nine one-page papers on various elements of the novel, including 'The Author and His/Her Times', 'Critical Analysis', 'Theme', etc.
Writing 55 entries for a 'dialectical journal', in which each 'entry' consists of a quote and some sort of 'insight' or question about it.

  In which I ride on a wave of euphoria to write a blog post. This has been such a wonderful day. I asked Sayoko (Person A) before 1st period, and she was incredibly excited and said yes. I couldn't pay attention in class all day, so I spent today wandering around my mind and the school, in an ecstatic daze. Everyone calls it 'cute' that we're going together, something I find suspicious on their part as a cop-out on descriptive phrases of this newly blossomed relationship. Sayoko is brilliant, musical (she's a virtuoso at piano and viola), an excellent actress, beautiful, and an amazing dancer for the Northwest Ballet. I feel amazing.

In other news, I lost my cellphone, which really sucks.

But who cares? I going to Homecoming with the most amazing girl in the world!

Oh, and I found out that Person B really only liked me in sort of a 'Junior doting on Sophomore' way, and she was almost as excited as Sayoko that I had asked Sayoko out (they're friends).
  In which I revive the blog with good old Romance. Ahem. I would like to request a bit of assistance from the more life-experienced members of the internet, or those who are oracular.
Homecoming dance, and how to ask Person A out without hurting Person B's feelings, or even if I should ask Person B out rather than Person A.
Person A is someone who I enjoy the company of greatly. I do not have any classes with her, but whenever we are together I feel something click, or some sort of chemistry. I enjoy her company greatly, and I think she is an amazing person.
Person B is someone who I like, but have trouble having fun with. I do have a class with her. I like her, but don't have as much fun with her as I do with Person A.

The Dilemma: Person B has been making many advances on me, and I can tell she likes me a lot and wants me to ask her to Homecoming. Person A is always incredibly excited to see me, but hasn't made any romantic advances. Now I have to ask one of them to the dance. If I ask Person A, I might really horribly hurt Person B's feelings, or come off as clueless to girl's feelings (I do want to remain friends with her), and I am not 100% sure that she would say yes (except for the fact that she is an incredibly nice person, and wouldn't want to hurt mine), or wouldn't have fun with me. I do know that if she does like me, we would have a great time at the dance.
If I ask Person B, I'll spend the entire dance thinking about Person A, and won't be able to have a good time. I may be able to ask Person A next year if it doesn't 'work out' between me and Person B.

Any thoughts?

Oh, and any good ideas on impressive/romantic ways to ask girls to homecoming, ideally not involving flowers (that everyone else has given their dates)?

I hope I removed any trace of angst from that. 
100% Angst Free! 100% In- and Ex-Telligent! 100% Practical and Skeptical! 100% Sincere! Just kidding. Well, only about the sincere part.

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